It is a common myth about solar panels that they require direct sunlight. Several people believe that you need an extremely sunny day to harness solar energy. But that is not true. Solar energy can be harnessed even when there is a cloud outside. If the plates you are using are not good and cannot work properly, they will probably tend to perform less in extreme weather conditions.
Therefore, in the following article, we will describe to you how the solar plate works in snowy and rainy seasons. Read the article to the end to know do solar panels need direct light and do solar panels work in the shades. Keep scrolling!
Do Solar Panels Need Direct Sun?
It is good if you can adjust your solar panels under the direct sunlight. Solar panels take the photons in sunlight and convert them into usable energy. When these photos hit the sheet with high force, they split themselves into direct currents. Then, the solar panels take this current to the inverter. The inverter converts The direct current into an alternative current. We use alternative current in our daily routine to run our electric appliances at home or at workplaces.
Direct sunlight is good for producing more electrical energy in the daytime. Because on a hot sunny when more photos hit the solar cells, you will get more energy out of your system. However, if it exceeds its limit, it can create very high temperatures, which can reduce the performance of solar panels.
How Much Sunlight is Essential for Solar?
During the day, when the sun is at its peak hours, it can create 1000 watts of solar energy. So, those areas where the sun’s peak hours stay for 4 or more four hours have enough time to generate electricity by using solar energy. The sunlight during this peak time will be enough to create the required power.
Do Solar Panels Work in Shades?
Well, of course, they do!
There can be some performance gap or less production of electric energy if your solar plates are in the shade. But the shade does not stop the working of solar panels. However, there are two factors that you must know to understand the working of solar panels in the shade.
How long does the shade Stay?
If your panel stays in the shade for a long time, it will significantly drop the production of sunlight. However, there is a chance that if the panel’s fave is in the shade during the morning, it will get enough sunlight during the evening.
The Inverter Connected to You Solar Panel
Every solar panel system is connected to an inverter that converts the direct current into an alternative current. The alternative current provides the power to your home appliances. The amount of produced energy from the solar system highly depends on the quality and type of connected inverter. Normally, there are two types of inverters:
String Inverters
In string inverters, shade on one central string will impact on the entire system’s performance.
In these types of inverters, there is no concept of a central panel. If there is a shade on one plate, it will only affect the working of that particular plate.
Also Read: Microinverters vs Optimizers
The Working of Solar Panels in Cloud Weather
With the enhancement in solar technology, there are several efficient solar panels that can produce electricity even in bad weather. However, no doubt, clouds block the sunlight and highly affect the working of solar panels. But clouds cannot completely halt the working process of solar panels.
Use Solar Batteries in Rainy Days
The solar system has these energy-saving batteries that you can charge by using sunlight. You can use these rechargeable batteries in times of emergency, such as at night or during cloudy or rainy weather. Their work efficiency depends on the amount of energy they can store and their capacity. If your solar battery has high working capacity and is fully charged, it can go for a day, depending on the amount of load you put on it.
Related Article: How To Use Solar Panel Directly Without Battery?
Working of Solar Panels in Snowy Areas?
There is good news for those who are living in snowy areas. The solar energy can easily pass through the snowy dusting and can reach your solar plates. This means that snow will not stop the working of solar panels. Well, there is another benefit of cold weather: it will not let the plates get overheated. So the working efficiency will definitely enhance in the snowy season. However, heavy snowfall and the complete disappearance of the sun will definitely affect the working efficiency.
What Type of Weather Emergency Can Affect the Woking of Solar Panels?
There are several weather conditions that can impact the working of solar energy. We are going to discuss these weather conditions in the following section:
The Heavy Rainy Season
During the dark and heavy rains, solar panels will not be able to meet their estimated production of energy. However, the production depends on the severity of the weather and how much sunlight is reaching the solar plates.
Extremely High Winds
There is a certification that every solar manufacturer must take before selling its solar panel. It says that the solar panel can bear the 140-mile-per-hour wind without any problem. If the speed of the wind exceeds this amount, there could be a problem for your solar panels.
Highly Hot and Cold Temperature
Solar energy just comes from the solar light, not the heat. If the temperature is too high, it will raise the temperature of the solar plates as well. This high temperature impacts the work performance of solar plates. It reduces the work efficiency of solar plates up to 10%.
Final Thoughts
There are several things that you need to consider before taking the solar panel services. If the plates lack quality, they will definitely provide poor performance in extreme weather conditions. Similarly, if the energy-saving batteries you are using have less capacity to store the current or cannot take more load, you might see problems in times of emergency.
Do solar panels require direct sunlight to generate electricity?
Yes, solar panels do not need direct sunlight in order to generate electricity. They are most effective under direct sunshine but can still produce electricity on a cloudy day or even under partial shades.
What is the impact of shade on solar panel efficiency?
The impact of shade on solar panels affects their efficiency significantly in that only a single cell gets shaded. It can change the output completely for the module to zero. It is due to this shading that the sun’s rays are blocked from getting to the panel surface, thus affecting the power produced.
How much sunlight do solar panels need to operate optimally?
For solar panels to work, they must be exposed to the sun for at least four or five hours each day. Consequently, the number of sunbeams hitting your panel will determine how many days it will work. In sum, where you live is the single most influential determinant of how much energy your panels can produce.
What factors influence the efficiency of solar panels in converting sunlight into electricity?
The factors that influence the efficiency of solar panels in converting sunlight into electricity are soil, temperature, inverter efficiency, age and shading.
What happens to solar panel performance during a solar eclipse?
Solar eclipse affects solar productivity. There is no sun or power generation from solar panels or large-scale solar arrays. It is something that any solar system has to deal with daily, intermittency.